
Command Staff Leadership Seminar: Leading in the Aftermath: Leading with Fortitude and Resilience by Strengthening the Command and Executive Core:


For Command and Executive Level Personnel – 4, 8, or 12-hour sessions.
Law Enforcement agencies nationwide are going through massive changes. When change is taking place, it can be very challenging and even difficult. However, change is not impossible to navigate when you have the right insight to know what to do.

During this customized 12-hour strategic leadership seminar, we will focus on the leadership dynamic strengths and possible “trigger points” of each player of the Command Staff team. The insight gained and shared during this time will serve to be a foundation to build resilience and fortitude to strengthen the core connection of the Command Staff team.

In our time together we will have a high-level, engaging, and strategic leadership discussion where we will:

  • Explore several No-Nonsense Wisdom Truths for leading in tough times
  • Briefly discuss the challenges that the Command Staff faces now versus pre COVID-19.
  • Review 7 types of leaders and understand the difference between Management vs. Leadership.
  • Understand the power of vision for a leader and how it helps the organization. 
  • Discuss the impact of 4 types of culture within an organization.
  • Learn the 4-step process to professionalize conflict for greater success.
  • Examine the Command Team’s current Strengths and Struggles and develop Strategies to move forward.
  • Review each Command team member’s Executive Trimetrix Report which will examine the leadership talent of each individual in 3 critical areas:
  1. Behaviors –This beginning section of the report will help the team gain greater knowledge of themselves and others and reveal the “HOW” of each member of the team.
  2. Driving Forces – This second section of the report will reveal the “WHY” of each team member. When we understand the motivations of others, we can then immediately understand and relate better to the causes of conflict on the team.
  3. Emotional Intelligence – this last section of the report provides vital and powerful information on each team member’s emotional intelligence, and the impact of the way they respond to emotionally charged situations. From the individualized reports, we will build action plans to help the team individually and collectively become a stronger Command Staff. 

Course Cost: Depends on number of Command Personnel and length of training. Please call for a quote.