The No-Nonsense E-Training Academy

In addition to our Onsite Training, we are excited to announce the launch of our No-Nonsense E-training Academy coming November 2024. Sessions can be attended live online, or as an On-Demand Option to be viewed at your convenience and at your own pace.

We have found that virtual training is a very powerful option, and is extremely beneficial to individuals and organizations in many ways including:

Flexible Scheduling:

We will offer several different live interactive sessions as well as on-demand sessions which can be viewed and completed at your convenience.

Higher Knowledge Retention:

Because courses will be recorded and emailed after the session, attendees have the option to review the content as needed.

Cost Effective:

Virtual training reduces travel expense, reduces time away from work and the ability to be provided quickly to meet the need.


Participants can train at times that are best for them/Increased participation and engagement – our live virtual sessions are highly engaging and participants can glean information from other attendees. It is also a great way to build professional networks while increasing the participant’s knowledge base, and expanding the participant’s expertise.

Coming Soon

Our No-Nonsense E-Training Topics

Below are some of the topics that we will be offering through our No-Nonsense E-Training Academy.

The Post Pandemic Leadership Series:

  • Leading in the Aftermath – No-Nonsense Leadership Wisdom for Tough Times:
  • Complimentary Course (45-minute)
  • From Panic To Productivity
  • Resetting Goals and Obtaining Powerful Results
  • Refocusing Your Team
  • Handling Conflict During Crisis Situations
  • Principles, Strategies and Wisdom of Leadership
  • Types of Leaders
  • 10 Traits of Counterfeit Leadership
  • Increasing Your Influence as a Leader
  • Pitfalls of Leadership
  • Leveraging Your Power as a Leader
  • Understanding Your Leadership Style – HOW you do what you do as a leader
  • Understanding Your Motivation Style – WHY you do what you do
  • Leadership & Emotional Intelligence – EQ Assessment Review

Women In Authority – Leadership E-Training Seminar Coming Soon

  • Wisdom Truths for Women in Leadership
  • The Current Reality for Women that Lead
  • Recognizing and Avoiding Self-Sabotaging Behavior

No-Nonsense Virtual Coaching Solutions

Coaching is the best option to help you get unstuck, refocused and re-energized. If you are looking to move from the place of complacency and average and move to the place of uncommon, effective and productive, then our No-Nonsense Coaching solution is just for you. Our coaching has been priced with consideration of the shift that we are all as we adjust to the New Normal. Special Individual and Group coaching packages are available.

Individual Coaching Solution

One-on-One Personalized Coaching: Our No-Nonsense Coaching one-on-one solution allows for individual coaching to be taken to a new level. Done from the comfort of your home or office, you can now receive high-level, game changing coaching from Coach Lisa that will revolutionize everything that you do. The coaching experience is customized based on what you are seeking to achieve.

Group Coaching Solution

Group coaching is a very affordable way to coach several people at one time to obtain outstanding results. Our Group Coaching Solution is beneficial because it offers a level of support to the attendees. They are accountable to each other as a coaching team as they work towards success. Collaboration and trust are built as the attendees go through the coaching process together. The result, a productive team that achieves outstanding results for themselves and the organizations in which they serve.

Call us for further details or to learn more

We are open on Monday – Friday, except on holidays.

Make an appointment